
Sunday Sunrise

Right now I'm dog-sitting for a couple at church while they're on vacation, and although it's been mostly smooth sailing, there have been a few "moments". Like when one of them threw up twice on the carpet. Or when they decided that they didn't want to eat dinner until 10:30 at night. And this morning they woke me up howling at 5:45, then decided that it was time to get up 15 minutes later (even though we didn't go to bed until 1am).

Mumbling under my breath and rubbing the sleep out of my eyes, I opened the back door and let them out. Then I saw it: the most beautiful Texas sunrise I've caught in quite a while. Although I got up before the sun many days while I was in school, I was too tired or too busy to notice the sunrise. But this morning, wow. Made me fall in love with Texas all over again.

Then I realized that if the dogs hadn't woke me up an hour and a half early, I wouldn't have seen the sun rise at all. I've been praying to God for help in being patient and appreciating what I do have rather than what I don't have. So maybe this was Him telling me to appreciate little things like a gorgeous sunrise. Or maybe He just knows how much I've missed watching one. Either way, I'm glad I got woken up. Besides, there will be time to sneak in a nap this afternoon. ;)

PS: Unfortunately this photo isn't mine, but looks exactly like the sunrise I saw this morning; I got it from here, and it was taken in Frisco, Texas 


  1. Ok, I just stumbled across your blog and I'm glad I did - it is so cute! Love the name and the fun purple polka dots. I get so excited when I find a new blog that actually has good content! :)
    I'm totally following, girl!
    Taylor {CoverGirl and Converse}

  2. Ok sorry I have to add one more thing...now that I see you're talking about God I'm totally hooked! How true that we need to be patient and appreciative of God's abundant blessings He gives us. This is something I totally need to embrace!
    Sorry, had to add that :)

    1. Thanks for your sweet comments girl. Glad to have you as a new follower! :)
